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Discussion – 


Discussion – 


Recruiting More Champions

Getting legislation passed by Congress and enacted into law is a challenging task. The federal law-making process requires time, resources, and a lot of patience.

In the 117th Congress, for example, less than nine percent of the 18,000 bills and resolutions introduced became law. While only a small amount of legislation makes it across the finish line, having members of Congress familiar with your issues and willing to champion them on your behalf increases the chances of passage.

However, cultivating congressional champions is hard work, and this is where FSPAC brings value to the interfraternal community.

Whether it’s meeting with first-time candidates one day or speaking to members of Congress at their fundraising events the next, FSPAC and its leaders are constantly promoting the interfraternal experience to those who may be unfamiliar with it and reminding those who are fraternity and sorority alumni/alumnae about the value their organizations provide. In these interactions, these potential and current legislators are being educated on the critical issues to our community, like protecting freedom of association rights, reducing/eliminating hazing, and providing safe and affordable Greek housing.

You can rest assured that no organization is more visible in promoting these higher education issues than FSPAC. And that’s because of you!

When you and others support FSPAC, donations get pooled together to support federal candidates who, regardless of political affiliation, understand the specific needs, interests, and concerns of fraternity and sorority members and organizations. By utilizing these resources, FSPAC helps elect those who can champion our issues.

And, let’s not forget why this work is so essential–congressional action is the only way we can fully protect our freedom of association rights across the country to ensure our undergraduate brothers and sisters have a home in their college communities, a place to belong, and a network of peers invested in each other’s success.

In other words, we are “paying it forward” so that today’s students and future generations have the same opportunities we had when choosing to join a sorority or fraternity.

To those of you that have supported FSPAC in the 2021-2022 election cycle, we are incredibly grateful. But like Congress, our work continues until the fraternity and sorority experience that you loved so much is protected for our future brothers and sisters.

Please continue to support FSPAC so that we can recruit more interfraternal champions like those who are now serving as freshmen in the 118th Congress.

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