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Discussion – 


Discussion – 


Advocating for Due Process Rights on Campus

At the Fraternity and Sorority PAC, we are committed to ensuring that our interfraternal student members and organizations receive the due process they deserve on college campuses. Recent insights from The Free Press have shed light on troubling disparities in how universities enforce discipline.

In particular, fraternities at the University of Maryland have faced severe penalties based on unproven allegations, while activists engaged in illegal activities have encountered far more lenient consequences. As The Free Press observes, this “double standard in disciplinary actions raises concerns about fairness and due process on campuses across the country.”

This inequity directly impacts our members, who are often unfairly targeted and punished without the thorough investigation and fair hearing that due process mandates.

FSPAC remains steadfast in advocating for consistent and just treatment of students, ensuring that our fraternity and sorority members and their organizations are not unfairly scapegoated or denied their rights.

We urge university administrators and policymakers to address these concerns and to reaffirm their commitment to due process for all students.

By standing together, we can ensure that our members are treated with the fairness and respect they deserve, upholding the principles of justice that our educational institutions are meant to embody.

This events that transpired at Maryland is a prime example on why FSPAC contributes to candidates who support federal policies that:

  • Improve campus safety with anti-hazing legislation;
  • Protect students’ right to freedom of association; and
  • Ensure due process rights for students and member organizations.

For a more detailed discussion, see the full Free Press article here and for more information on what transpired at Maryland, see our previous post.

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